HeisthemateofMo'atandfatherofNeytiri.LazAlonsoasTsu'teyteRongloaAteyitan:ThefinestwarrioroftheOmaticaya.Heisheirtothe ...RDA(Avatar)·ThemesinAvatar·FictionaluniverseofAvatar·Unobtainium,歡迎來到AvatarMate哈啦板,最新資訊及情報分享、精華好文查找、...。參考影片的文章的如下:


Avatar (2009 film)

He is the mate of Mo'at and father of Neytiri. Laz Alonso as Tsu'tey te Rongloa Ateyitan: The finest warrior of the Omaticaya. He is heir to the ... RDA (Avatar) · Themes in Avatar · Fictional universe of Avatar · Unobtainium

Avatar Mate 哈啦板

歡迎來到Avatar Mate哈啦板,最新資訊及情報分享、精華好文查找、創作交流討論,盡在巴哈姆特!

【閒聊】大家玩這遊戲會閃退嗎? - Avatar Mate


Mating | Avatar Wiki

Traditionally, once a young Na'vi has passed their clan's rites of passage and are accepted as an adult, they are allowed to choose a mate. Though it is typical ...

新作RPG《Avatar Mate》正式上架双平台

《Avatar Mate》是一款社交RPG手游。在这个人类与妖怪共存的世界,人类与友好的妖怪为对付作恶多端的流浪妖怪,联手建立了「亚美库莱团」,并借助双方力量和 ...

【Qoo下載】Ambition新作RPG《Avatar Mate》今日配信!

《Avatar Mate》是一款社交RPG 手遊。在這個人類與妖怪共存的世界,人類與友好的妖怪為對付作惡多端的流浪妖怪,聯手建立了「亞美庫萊團」,並借助雙方力量和 ...

【Qoo情報】Ambition 新作RPG《Avatar Mate》今夏配信!!

日本公司Ambition 於5月8日宣佈,新作《Avatar Mate(アバターメイト)》(iOS/Android)預計在2017年初夏配信。 《Avatar Mate》是一款社交RPG 手遊。

Avatar Mate官方版-相关推荐

来腾讯应用宝预约Avatar Mate官方版,获取Avatar Mate相关热门应用下载!

saw this concept art for mating on the avatar wiki. i know there's still ...

It's been confirmed multiple times that they mate like humans and the queue bond is only to add intimacy so they can feel each other.

The Avatar Love Scene That People Still Can't Get Over

... mating rituals of the blue-skinned inhabitants of Pandora. If you've seen Avatar, you likely remember the love scene during which ...


HeisthemateofMo'atandfatherofNeytiri.LazAlonsoasTsu'teyteRongloaAteyitan:ThefinestwarrioroftheOmaticaya.Heisheirtothe ...RDA(Avatar)·ThemesinAvatar·FictionaluniverseofAvatar·Unobtainium,歡迎來到AvatarMate哈啦板,最新資訊及情報分享、精華好文查找、創作交流討論,盡在巴哈姆特!,我用i7+閃退狀況頗嚴重,有人也有這樣狀況嗎?,Traditionally,onceayoungNa'vihaspassedtheirclan'sritesofpassageandareaccepteda...

FaceMaker 3.2 - 來給自己做一張卡通頭像吧!

FaceMaker 3.2 - 來給自己做一張卡通頭像吧!
